Nowadays, there are many Korean specialties circulating in the market. One of the most famous foods from this ginseng country is kimchi. Not only is it known for its delicious and fresh taste, kimchi also has many health benefits, you know!
Kimchi is a typical Korean food made from vegetables, such as cabbage or radishes, which is mixed with garlic, salt, vinegar, chili, ginger, and other seasonings. The combination of these ingredients is then fermented and can be eaten with rice or noodles.
Health Benefits of Kimchi
The following are some of the benefits we can get from eating kimchi:
1. Meet the daily needs of vitamins and minerals
Cabbage is the main ingredient used in making kimchi. These vegetables contain lots of vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, and folate. In addition, cabbage also contains a variety of minerals, such as calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium.
Not only cabbage, vitamins and minerals are also contained in vegetables or other ingredients used as kimchi seasonings, for example garlic with high manganese content, chili peppers containing vitamin B6, and green onions rich in vitamin K.
2. Maintain a healthy digestive system
Kimchi contains a lot of good bacteria called Lactobacillus. This bacterium is able to maintain the function of the digestive system. Not only that, good bacteria also play a role in the process of metabolism of nutrients and medicines, maintain endurance, and prevent viral and bacterial infections. Complex carbohydrates found in kimchi vegetables can also be a food for good bacteria.
3. Prevent constipation
The fiber content in kimchi vegetables and good bacteria fermented by kimchi can help prevent constipation and facilitate bowel movements.
4. Treating viral, bacterial, and fungal infections
Good bacteria contained in kimchi can increase endurance so it is able to fight germs, including Helicobacter pylori which can cause gastric cancer and avian influenza viruses that cause bird flu.
5. Maintain body weight
Vegetables used in kimchi are naturally low in calories. In 100 grams of kimchi, there are only about 18 kcal. Therefore, kimchi can be used as a diet to reduce or maintain ideal body weight.
Not only that, other ingredients contained in kimchi, such as red chili and garlic, are also proven to increase metabolism and accelerate energy burning, thus helping to lose weight.
6. Prevent cancer
Yellow and green vegetables used as kimchi ingredients can function to prevent inflammation. The content of these vegetables can also suppress the work of certain enzymes that can trigger the growth of cancer cells.
Anticancer effect will be more optimal if kimchi is added with other ingredients, such as mustard leaf, Chinese pepper, and Korean mistletoe extract. However, this matter still needs further investigation.
7. Helps reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics
A study shows that high-fiber foods can help the growth of good bacteria that produce fatty acids. Fatty acids can help control blood sugar levels in the body, so it's good for diabetics.
Seeing the many benefits that can be obtained, kimchi can be used as one of our daily menus. Besides kimchi, there are other types of fermented foods that are also good for health, such as tempeh, sauerkraut, kombucha, and yogurt.
Although fermented vegetables are rich in benefits, you are encouraged to continue to live a healthy diet by eating balanced nutritious food and fresh vegetables and fruit every day.
In addition, limit the consumption of foods that contain saturated fat, high sugar and high salt (sodium), including processed foods. If necessary, ask your nutritionist about a daily food menu that suits your health condition.
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